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Wisconsin Independent Volleyball League





For the 2025 season,

we will organize meets on following ten

consecutive Saturdays:



March 8, March 15, March 22 and March 29



April 5, April 12, April 19 and April 26



May 3 and May 10




Spring 2025 Enrollment Form


The Enrollment Form to participate in the Spring 2025 season of the WIVL must be submitted no later than

February 12, 2025




Fees / Hosting Credits

For the Spring 2025 season, teams will be charged $30 per match to play and the host will receive a hosting credit of $17 per team per match. 

Questions Contact:

Tracie Tilton

715-749-9048 or


Terri Green

715-386-4317 or


Flexible Scheduling


On the Enrollment Form, you can opt to have your team play three, four, five or more matches per day.

  • If you choose to play three matches, your matches will likely be scheduled in three consecutive time slots, or usually over no more than four time slots, so that your team is making only a half-day commitment.  However, please note Section B-4 of the League Rules:  we cannot consistently guarantee a specific team that their matches each Saturday will all be in the morning or all in the afternoon.
  • If you choose to play four matches a day, these will likely be scheduled over five to six time slots, with some back-to-back matches and some one time-slot breaks between matches.
  • If you choose to play five matches a day, in most cases you’re looking at a full day commitment (e.g., 8:00 a.m., 8:30 a.m. or 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. or 5:00 p.m.), with five matches over a six, seven or eight time-slot day.  The length of your day, however, will depend on how many courts are being used by the host team that day, how many other teams are in attendance and how many other grades are being hosted on that day by the host team.
  • If your team wants to play more than five matches per day, you aren’t likely to have any longer day than those teams playing five matches, but you will play more back-to-back matches.

See Paragraph B-3 of the League Rules for an example of how flexible scheduling works with thirteen teams playing on three surfaces, where five teams play three matches each, three teams play four matches each, four teams play five matches each and one team plays seven matches.




When hosting, a community needs a minimum of two playing surfaces for a full day for one grade (first match starting between 8:00 and 9:00 a.m., last match starting sometime between 3:00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m., depending on attendance at that meet).  A community can also host a meet for one grade on three playing surfaces on the same Saturday.  If a host has three, four or more playing surfaces, it can host meets for multiple grades on the same date.



Rosters and Liability Waivers/Concession Agreements


All teams must submit the following information at least two weeks before the first meet your team will play or no later than March 15